Entry 2: Unit 1. Lesson 1: GETTING ACQUAINTED

 1. How do people greet around the world?

    * Ways of greeting in Africa

    In the northern tribes of South Africa, the greeting is "Sawu bona", which means "we see you". And they        respond with "Sikkhona" which means "we are here".

    In South Africa: you can greet the people you appreciate the most, such as your best friends or family, with a kiss on the mouth.

    * Ways to greet in America

   Canada: on the English-speaking side they are super respectful of personal space, so they greet each other with a good handshake and if they are closer people with a kiss. On the French-speaking side, they greet each other with two kisses.

    Mexico: between two women or a man with a woman they kiss each other on the cheek. If they are close people, this greeting is complemented with a hug. Two men greet each other with a simple handshake.

   * Ways of greeting in Europe

   France: greet with three oscula, but in some regions it can be up to four. It depends on the region of France, if you start on the left or the right side.

   Spain: two kisses are given. But if you don't know the person, on many occasions you don't greet each other. Between family a kiss is more than enough.

   * Ways of greeting in Oceania

   In Tikopia; a small island in polynesia. You press your nose on a part of the other person's body and take a slight inhale and snort. This is a symbol of equality.

   New Zealand and Hawaii: the Maori use the greeting “hongi”. They put their forehead and nose together with the other person and inhale "their vital breath".

2. How do you greet in your country?

- Greet each other with a firm handshake, maintaining eye contact for a few seconds.


-If the relationship is closer, men greet each other with a hug and may kiss women on the cheek. kiss women on the cheek.

- Men should wait for the woman to offer a handshake.

- Women greet each other with a kiss on the cheek or a handshake.

3. Grammar Practice Evidence

    Present Perfect Simple


1.I have seen a good movie this week.

2.We have had ham for dinner tonight.

3.She has listened to a great song this afternoon.


1.I haven’t eaten any meat for a month.

2.You haven’t done anything useful all day.

3.You haven’t cooked this!


1.Have you turned it off ?

2.Haven't they thought about the consequences?

3.Have you been here before?

4. Use of vocabulary and expressions

- I’d like you to meet

-You look familiar

-How have you been?

-How do you do?

-What’s going on? 

-How are things?

-Have you met before?



